Communities In Schools of New Mexico

Communities In Schools of New Mexico Surrounding Kids With a Community of Support By Blanca OrtizAs a Communities In Schools (CIS) site coordinator at Nava Elementary School, I am proud to do “whatever it takes” to empower children to stay in school and achieve in...

Voces de la familia

Rodeando a los niños con una comunidad de apoyo Communities In Schools of New Mexico ofrece ayuda a estudiantes y sus familias By Blanca OrtizComo una de las coordinadoras del programa Communities In Schools (CIS, por sus siglas en inglés) en la escuela primaria Nava,...

Tips for Reducing Anxiety for the Beginning of School

Last week I was at Trader Joe’s and bumped into a good friend of mine who said, “My son is going off to college, and I am going to be an emotional mess.” At that moment, I met another friend in the produce section. She stated that her daughter was going to...

Ready to Play!

Ready to Play! Indoors, outdoors, online and around the state, the Santa Fe Children’s Museum is in full swing By Hannah Hausman After more than two years of the pandemic, New Mexico families and out-of-state visitors can, at last, anticipate a full summer of play at...

All Together Now!

All Together Now! Desert Montessori School shifts to team-leadership model We sat in the Zoom meeting, 12 teachers trying to make sense of Fall 2020, each in our own home but collectively swimming in the uncertainty of the decision ahead of us.  COVID cases were...

Growing Together

Growing Together Gardening projects raise yummy veggies and happy families. Gardening serves as my growth chart for my children, since I’ve forgotten to measure their heights in the doorframe all but twice. Each spring, they are able to carry a larger shovel or lift a...


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